Today's post is a wish for fall to come. Summer decided to extend it's stay like an old, stinky ...I don't know, but you get the picture.
I have been decorating my front door in the hopes of some kind of cooler weather arriving.
That didn't work. What did happen was crazy lightening and thunder storms and big fluffy clouds and humidity. Huh. Well, at least it isn't 110 degrees.

Oh yeah....these were live flowers... almost dead now. What the heck, Summer. Go away!
Next week, pumpkins make their appearance. Maybe that will invite cooler weather.
If I were autumn I would arrive because your door certainly looks inviting! It's finally cooled down here a bit -- and it does have me in the mood for pumpkins and mums, oranges and golds, sweaters and jeans. Sigh. :)