Sweet Pea just got home from college for the summer. I was working on a project when she asked me, "What are you into?"
Good question. My blog is called Currently Crafting because I have DYI ADD. I throw myself into something and become a little obsessed (a craft room full of tools and gadgets as proof), then after a few months I get bored. Actually, I should say my enthusiasm dwindles or I find something else to obsess about.
Sweet Pea's follow up question: "What have you been doing since I have been gone?"
Not much, I thought. What have I been doing. Certainly not cleaning, or working on projects.
I have been searching for the perfect fabric for drapery...in 3 rooms. Do you know how hard it is to find items in the store you create in your head? Fabric...impossible. But that's another story.
What I did come up with was gardening. Yes! I have been gardening. I had forgotten about the backbreaking days I spent hauling out crumby dirt, mixing manure and amendments, planting, replanting, weeding and pruning the front and back yard.
I share one or two of my successes.
This is an Improved Meyer Lemon Tree.
It's delicious, fragrant and beautiful

This is what mine looked like in May. Sad.
I replanted Sad Lemon Tree into a pot...with real soil.
Surprise! It started to grow.
New buds and flowers.
No fruit yet...but I am hopeful.
Next up...roses.
Here are a few beauties from my front yard.
This is our Libby Rose, a.k.a. Queen Elizabeth.
When our daughter Libby passed away, my dad and I each planted one in our yards.
He lives closes to the cemetery and sometimes take some over to the grave.
Love him!
Here is a lovely "Peace"
I think this is a" Double Delight".
Finally, I'm not sure the name of this one, but it's a gorgeous yellow with green edges.
So that, Sweet Pea, is what I am into.