I'd like to introduce you to the newest furniture member in my house.....Eleanor.
She was acquired last week in a brilliant Craigslist exchange...money for furniture.
I found her after only a few days of serious search, which completely contradicted my theory of "Nothing good is ever found in my neighborhood". Actually, I had to travel to the tony city of Carlsbad, CA to find her. Well worth the trip.

She is a Bernhardt antique, supposedly purchased from an estate sale in North Carolina about 45 years ago. Whatever, I bought it, story and all.
Now the dilemna. She has a cruddy top and some dings and worn spots. Nothing serious, though. How to refinish her? Lovely, glazey paint finish, refinish as original or something new?
Baxter is a handpainted sideboard. Tobacco, green and a teeny bit of gold finish.
So HELP! What do I do? I am not into matchy-matchy. I love pieces that are collected over time and have character.
Sidenote: Yes, I do name most things. My car is called Butterscotch and my dog Oliver.
Elenore is gorgeous and Baxter is sooo handsome. Seriously, two beautiful pieces of furniture!